High School musical Just started. ohh. Been waiting to watch the show since Last month I think. It was last month. Well, I deleted the song from my blog even though it is soo nice. I figured that it was the thing that was making my blog really lag. School will reopen tomorrow. Part of me can't wait and the other part is saying that it's gona be a drag. i WANA go already to watch the show.
let your heart out.

Got back from Tioman on Thursday. The trip was better than i expected. not to mention awesome. My skin was definitely darker. YAY!! I got pictures except that i am not gona put it now. Today I went out with my primary school bestie. Ohh i missed her so much. Took cute little neos. Plus she is still taller than me.
Which is not good. I feel short. I feel sorry that i could not go with Rod and colin. But I will make it up to them. They did sound kinda mad. Oh well..whatever.
let your heart out.

Yesterday's was Father's day. Ate chinsese food. The dimsum was tasty. wAS A long time since i ate chinese food like this. Was to die for..or not. But it was delicious.
Going away tomorow. Gona miss the school's racial harmony or whatever. I am sure it will be some boring shit. I also have to miss the STARS thingy. Not like I am gona be so anal over it. Or anything. Going to Tioman!! going to tann and stuff. aND OH, i miss my phone dearlyyy. Missing it more day by day.....but i will take a lot of pictues at the place.
let your heart out.
Ahh..i sure can smell something good. That's my grandmother. Baking this applepie. I regret not eating alot of it because everyone else sure digged in. I am going to Tioman on Tuesday. Can't wait. My sister lend me one of her shades. But it's kinda plain. It's big and black.Ain't she such a doll. I'll be sure to take loads of pictures of the Tioman place. I wana eat applepie..
Took this from Gillian's blog. Seemed fun to do this.
if u had a choice would be male of female?
Er.Female but sometimes male.
Cause females can buy alot of stuff and male gets to get away with everything
Are you happy?
At times..
In life, good and bad things happen
Do u like anyone?
I don't think so..
do u think ur best friend is datable?
She can be considered my best friend. And yeah, she is.
Have u seen anyone naked?
Does it include family? But I have seen guys without their shirts.oopps..
whats ur fave hobby?
Day-dreaming and talking
Who's the silliest in the class?
Wow..everyone sure seems to be silly in some ways..
who's an asshole in ur class?
everyone's ok i guess...
noone is an ass...
Explain urself in a bad way?
a day-dreamer
Explain urself in a good way?
i like sports..
Who do you like?
noone dumbass...
let your heart out.

Didn't get a good sleep last night. Went to bed at 1.30am but then I fell asleep at I think 4.15am. At least that was the time when I last checked the clock. Then woke up at 8.30am.
Right now I am practically yawning non-stop. Well, I think to am going to thisTioman Island place for the holidays. Would be totally cool cause maybe gona go scuba diving or something like that. Damns. I got my handphone confiscated for the second time. The bill was abit too high. But I will get it back in 2 weeks. So, no biggy i guess. But I would most definitely miss it. OHH I MISS MY PHONEEEEEEE, The pictures..i have not yet uploaded yet.
During my free time last time, i tried to exhaust myself. By doing a wierd way..
I exercised...did 7o sit-ups , some krutches, 20 push-ups and more..Yes, it is wierd. But, it did not help. I did not even feel tired. So I gave up.But my tummy did a flip-Don't really know how to say it. Besides, it is a good way to tone up? I guess it is.
Well, i gained muscles.!! hehe...well.i don't feel like laughing much. I want my song.
But nevermind. I will just add a new song.
let your heart out.
I like donuts. Alot. Especialy when they have like sugar on the top and sprinkles of chcolatate thingy. Oh, I just finished eating my donut. Yup. It tastes so good.
I wana go overseas. And I am. I guess. Ooo. That would be so great. But I hope I can go out on the 24th. yes, I do hope so. I am like still hungry right now. My grandparents are here. It's so nice. As I was saying, the trip will be totally awesome. Cause I could get a tann. I have been craving to get a nice tann considering how fair I am. I can't hear my blog song. I wished I could. Got some kind of problem I guess.
My hand feels numb..
let your heart out.
Saw Afiqah's blog. My name was in 8 other's that has to do this thingy. So, why not.
[1]You have to make at least 8 points of your ideal lover.
[2]HAVE to mention gender.
[3]Tag 8 other friends to do it.
[4]If you're tagged again,there's no need it once more.
[5]Have Fun!He MUST be a Male...DUH!!!
My Ideal lover must be/have...
*Actually I am not too sure. But I am just gona write something for the sake of dear afiqah =)
-HOT!!!. ( a plus)
-kind ( like. Duh)
-athletic/sporty ( but not too macho)
-taller than me
-truthful (definitely)
-great personality
Actually....got MORE but they only say list 8 right. haha.
Anybody can do this if they like. Yup.
Well, nothing exciting happened today. Just like any other normal day. Slept at 1.45 last night. Woke up at 10.15 i think.Which is considered really like early to me. Then did my morning stuff. Read the LIFE newspaper after that. Ate breakfast. Then my mum asked me to do some math questions. Then I did it. My sister wanted to go out. Then asked my parents then say can. Then her friend her came our house. Then they went off. Then later had to out with my grandparents. Then took pictures with my grandpa. It's in my phone. Like i am so bored.
So far, i have finished reading one pathetic book. Though it is really nice to read. I have read two others books. half-way.
See it is so boring. Yes, it is.
let your heart out.
I want to upload some pictures from my handphone but i am toooo lazy...But got alot of pictures in my phone.
Wait, I think I will do just that. Later. I want it soo badly. Yes, I do. Oh my god, so bored right now. My mum and dad is in Johor right now. So my sis, bro and myself are alone at home. On a Sunday. Alone doing nothing. Wonder when they will be back.......
It's raining right now. Oh yes, watched the soccer match yesterday. Tobago VS sweden right. Was so tired so I went to bed right after the match. It was a tie. Actually expected Sweden to win. But cheers to the other team cause they got a point. =)
let your heart out.
Okay, I did see my primary school friends. But only all the boys. I did not go with them to Pasir ris park due to the fact that I'll feel awkward cause I am the only girl there. The only girl. But then they returned back to Simei then called me to come down. So I went down and played soccer with them. Got my foot all muddy then I was like don't wana play anymore. So, i just stood there talking on the phone with a friend and when the ball comes my way, I will kick it. =)
Yes, I will kick it alright!!! Yes , I will. Why am I bragging about kicking a ball. Cause I did! That's why. I did not kick the ball. I took kickS of the ball. Yup.
My muddy foot.....so very muddy. Then went under the block and we all talked . Yes, we talked. About what i have no idea. I forgot. Talked guy talk. No lah. Talked about nice things. Then talk somemore..and then they wana play another match of soccer. But by that time, I had to go home already. Had to attend church. So rushed home, washed my muddy feet then took a shower. Then changed then went to church. Then i almost slept in church. The priest was rather funny this time. He is new I think. He's from Russia. The old priest had to go to another church. But this one is not bad. But the place was so comfy and abit cold that I almost fell asleep. Kinda woke up when they started to sing.
I can't believe POLAND LOST!!! I thought they would win.
let your heart out.
RODERICK'S VOICE BROKE!!! Ahahaha. He call then i pick up and was like, wow. He sounds so different. It's oh so cute. yesyes. It is. Lyn's voice still the same. DUH. She is a girl. But wei sze sounds diff. Sounds louder I guess.
YEEha, whatever. Saturday got 6C class gathering. oh man, can see them all again. MISS them and love them. Proudly organized by Lyn, Myself and Roderick. I guess Rod did help abit.
She said depends.
I want a confirm answer.I kinda organize then never go. This is called THE bull-shit. Yes, It is,.
SO COOL. Right? It would definitely look nice on him. I keep asking my brother to pierce his ear. At least somebody has. I am happy alright. Very happy.
In fact, let's celebrate.
Oh no, my grandma fell sick yesterday. BAD FEVER. Now my grandpa is feeling not too wel. Well, because of his heart pain and the medication and all. But he is still strong and healthy.
His eyes are so shiny. Yes, they are. So nice colour too. Like silverish white . BEAUTIFUL eyes.
Today, I went for IT lesson at 2.oopm. So went off to school. Then reach like 2pm. Then duno why Me, Debbs, Shao Jun, Katherin and Alyssa sat on the floor somewhere on level three doing well, nothing much but just chatted. OH. They are playing the song VINDICATED on MTV now.!!!!
Well, anyways, then later we went into the computer lab. We were the first ones there. Then play the internet cause teacher never come. Then all our info is in the diskette. Then we never do anything. But play. Then I take pictures with debbs. Then somemore friends came. BLABLA.
I left at like 4.oopm cause need to go somewhere. Then on my way to the MRT, met Eliza!! - My church friend.Then we chat and chat. and chat and chat somemore. Then went back. I took the MRT to tampines this time. Then met clarissa with some friends. then she was liek where you go, i tell ehr then blabla. Then later i go top up my ez-link card, then she come to me laughing, saying, eh, cas, aiya nothing. then smile smile. AHAHAHAH.
Nice and interesting day. Met alot of people...YES. I want to go to the moon. One day.
let your heart out.
When i look into your face,
I hope i would never have to remember
all the things all the stories you used to say to me.
Flashbacks of our past brought me to my tragic deathe
overpowered by your presence
i am left without a flame
a flame that shone so bright
till you came and blew it out
i was lost
i was hurt
i never knew what direction to take
i followed blindly
but i knew that is was wrong
i needed a hand to pull me out
of the darkness i have fallen in
My symphony,
my rhythm
i have forged your signature on my departure
my sweet melancholy
An emotional state characterized by sullenness
and outbreaks of violent anger,
believed to arise from black bile.
Done by: Cassandra
let your heart out.
Today for no reasonable reason, I cried. I haven't felt this weak in a long time. I have never cried for quite some time either. It isn't a good reason to cry. But I just did. I don't even undersatnd why I cried the way I did. I know that I won't cry for thses sort of reasons. I feel so weak now. In the inside. Maybe it's because after all that has happened in my life, all the sad things, I never really actually let myself cry. And then in this small situation, I just did. And also I cried because my mum did not believe me and started calling me blablabla..cause she thought I was telling a lie and all. When I did not even lie in the first place. And for that moment of time I hated my sister too....
I just had to cry. I don't think that I've been weak. I was just ANGRY. And tears rolled down my cheek.=)
Well, its the past..and blabla..so let's not talk about it again. EVER AGAIN. Don't write anything about it in my tagboard. Or whatever. Don't even mention it.
Hey, this is one of the first time this year that my mum has seen me cried.GOOD.
My grandad's here!! <33>
My tuition teacher was suppose to come.
I was suppose to be learning now..
Learning Chinese=)
Cause my chinese is oh so bad.
BUt I am improving.=)
Maple..so long never play leh. Kinda boring..just walk walk kill, walk walk kill
But sometimes can say it is nice to play. When you are with alot of people.
I wana DRAW something nice!
And then do a POEM
OH no, have to read a book for school homework.
But I am done with MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA
Read it twice!!!
Yes, It is.
I wana work on my poem now.
Wonder how it'll urn out to be.
HOPE it will be..
SAD too.
HAPPY poems are just too difficult to write...
let your heart out.
Today I went to England. Really a lovely place. I had tea with the queen. She's a nice person. Then i swam in the huge water fountain. Wished it was a waterfall.....
Then I came back to Singapore and this First Class aeroplane. Drank Johnny Walker wine. That explains why I was half an hour late guys...Sorry. I forgot to buy a souvenier for you all.
Sorry Nizam I did not make you the card. I did wake up early though. But sadly, my mother took up my time by having a 'talk' with me. Sorry. Don't be depressed. I will buy you a present. Promise.
TODAY, watched X-MEN3!!!!! Very nice. But kinda short...for me. But still, a very nice show.
Went with....nizam, sofi,lijuan,kel and elvin.
I gave alot of tokens to sofi at the arcade. =) Cause she rocks!!! Hahahahahah...
Then bought alot of popcorn and coke. Yummy~~
The advertisement at the show very long. Should not have arrvied there so early.
But, nevermind.
Before the show even started, me and lijuan, we share the popcorn ok..before the show even finished, we finished half the popcorn already. The girls shared two buckets of popcorn adn two HUGE cups of coke.
So of course cant finish. Nizam was facinated by his enormous popcorn. It got all stuck together and was really big. Yes. It was. Then ate some mashmellows....lalalala. The show was awesome. And the cinema was reallly cold.. Didnt bring our damn jackets.
Then went to take neo-prints. shalala....TAKE TAKE THEN TAKE..
Then blablah..people left one by one...
Untill four of us remained..went to toysRus. Had a wierd and fun time. Took loads of pictures using sofi's phone...BLAHBLAH.
Then went my house. Play xbox. Then very dark leh. So everybody went home.
the end.
PS: I should have tea with the queen more often. Or maybe ,my galilee coffee!!!
She will tell you some of the things the mutant characters said.
Well, Logan had to kill the doctor jean grey in the end. But he loved her so much. Cause she could not control herself and her powers. She was the most powerful mutant ever. EVER.
A level 5 mutant while magneto and the professor was at level 3. Awesome girl.. yes AND SHE KILL THE PROFESSOR. MY GOD. it means she was very strong. Stronger than the professor. Logan told her he loved her. sweet. But anyway...jean killed the cyclops guy. the one wearing the shades. SAD right. But thing i think there will be a X-MEN 4.!!
Cos suposingly, if you stayed till the end, the professor will come alive again. WIERD YET INTERESTING. You go man.!
let your heart out.
Paul Twohill. LOVE your voice. I am here without you, baby....i think about you....
Oh haha. I will always be listening to you singing that song in my head. Tomorrow going MY NIZAM BROTHER b'day thingy. I haven't even got you a present. But nevermind. At least i am going. I know..I shall make a CARD. If i have time. Tomorrow i wake up early at about 10am to do it!!!
I wana learn the drums....
I don't feel tired. So i shall make the card later
I wana get a tann......................................
I WANT clothes............................
My sister's fault lahh.....put her chrysanthemaum tea whatever the spelling is here. Then all the ants come..wana drink
shoo abts dont bother me, shoo ants dont bother me..
flick* you little fuckers...
Poke them with the pin then cut them into half.
LOVE the torture!!!
or not..
Will I get nightmares? The ants will haunt me.
Hope not.
Once more, i don't like anyone. You know you know
Bet you didnt .i think....
BUT, now you know!! Yipee!!~
Ask one more time arhh.........we'll see what happens....
Lets smash more,
you guys promised,,,
Sofi is so adorable. yes she is. THANK YOU SOFI FOR BEING ADORABLE.
And merl and lijuan is too.
they are such kind people
Bless them''
Fuck the ants...hhmmm black ants,,
Dear black ants,
sorry for i have killed you all. May you go to heaven and have all the chrysemtimem tea you want. I dont like to drink that. But send some down from heaven to my sister. We apreciate it lots. Bless you. You all will be in my prayers but i kinda hate you for one of you crawled up my arm in which i used my hands to flick you away. May you travel along with the wind or go to heaven..
I love my family.
let your heart out.
Everyone's gone overseas. My trip to epoh was cancelled. I was looking forward to it!!!
Cause.......We would be staying in a beautiful Chalet, I may get a chance to rebond my hair. YES!
Everything there is so cheap
NO harm done. Hardly anyone online now...
All gone overseas i guess.
But my mum don't allow.
She hasn't even confirmed whether I can go out on Tues..
I wana see everybody..
MISS them alot.
An obsticle is blocking my way
I don't wana call her an obsticle.
Ok, she's not an obsticle.
But she always don't let me.
My sister got to go out today
But, I will be repayed with blood!!!!
Muahahahahaha.Ok I won't be repayed with blood. But she will help me lie so that I can go out too. See, we are not bad people. We help one another. Isn't that what everybodys been telling us? HELP one another. I am doing exactly that. So that we will not be miserable and left out because some people, you see, dont let us go out. And by doing so, they are like locking us away from the world. And we want to se the world. The world of Singapore and if possible, the whole world with our friends.
Or else.
Thank God that I have her in my family
OR I will DIE!!!
Today I went to see cars for my mother. Went with my mum and dad while my brother went out with his friend. My brother ALWAYS gets to go out. ALWAYS. Gender biers???? I wonder who?...
Anywayy, I was with my parents, while my sister was doing her lie-go out. Get it? Cause she lied in order to go out. So i called it lie-go out.
WOW. I just realized i was never signed into MSN. HAHA. I did not even notice how quiet it was. No one online!!!! Gosh...
But it was not so boring looking at cars cause I have learnt a lesson.
Only when something happens then you learn a lesson
I BURNT MY TONGUE. It's all red...
Lesson Learnt:
Always blow a hot cup of milo before you drink untill it's nice and cold.
Don't be too eager.
But if you are eager, take a SIP of HOT milo, NOT a GULP. Or you will have a red tongue.
Like mine.!
This morning i went church.
I did not expect it. Was still in bed. tHEN my mum woke me up and rush me to get ready.
that unfateful morning.
I wana take wierd pictures.
Not now, but soon.....
Paul twohill...God bless you.
May you win
oh i want to be a butterfly, fly with chu' in the sky, and when you want to go, then you wouldnt see...
-Adapted from a song I heard in the car last year on our way to epoh...
Oh my,
This church song is stuck in my head...will sing it in school..SOON
Not that song..is another song. I recorded it into my mp3 but then i delete it already.
Sofi online!!! I wana talk about the party..my mum ahven't told me whether i can go yet..so i wana assume that i am going so i will not be miserable.
let your heart out.
tripledick (22 hours ago)
fuc-k you paul twohill.
emo poser.
talentless gerard way wannabe.
why dont you slit your wrist and stab yourself.
go home and cry to mummy.
Found it on youtube. This person comment...
But his flipping of hair is quite irritating.
His face looks abit shrunken, my sister said.
But, he only looks hot because of his hair.
Here you can see a very quick view of him if his hair is not covering his face.
Not so hot.....
But he's singing is REALLY GOOD!.
And they say he looks like Gerard.....
let your heart out.

Paul Twohill. He is so HOT!!
The SINGAPORE Idol guy.
HOT.HOT.HOT.HOT.HOT. But. maybe not so...hmm
HAHA,he is.
Must vote for him. YES YES YES. yeah..~
His hair is just as HOT.
yes, now i have something to do.....
Vote for him in my mind
cause i am not gona use up my SMS.
My handphone may wil be confiscated next month.
But, my dad's hilarious punishment is not exactly making me feel miserable.......YES,
let your heart out.

The picture is not so clear. But took this in Bugis. With my fellow NCDCC. I'm the second person from the left. yeah.
Yes, enjoy.
I LOVE my blogskin...lalala.
I need moneyy....lalala.
I wana go out..lalala.
This sucks.
let your heart out.
Changed my blogskin. Hope you guys like it. Seriously want a new cell.Mine so lag Like now. I love this song. Thanks to my sister that i know this song. I love my blogskin!! I think it is alot better than the old one. Agree with me? First time I saw this skin, I fell in love with it.
Found a new meaning to the word bitch. Wana hear?
The person who did this is very creative. Found it on a website. For the word hardons, you shoul check out the meaning on www.dictionary.com cause i am not gona tell you.
let your heart out.